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PDO Thread Lift Specialist

MedSpa and Hyperhydrosis Center

Medical Spa located in Bixby Knolls, Long Beach, CA

Why should you have to go under the knife to get tighter, more lifted skin? The aesthetic experts at Estea Medspa use Silhouette InstaLift® polydioxanone (PDO) threads to deliver facelift-like results without the need for a single incision. If you want to learn more about what a minimally invasive PDO thread lift can do for you, call the office in Long Beach, California, or make your appointment online today.

PDO Thread Lift Q & A

What are PDO threads?

Surgeons have long-favored PDO threads, using them in a wide range of procedures to close incisions. They choose these sutures for two important reasons. First, they don’t create scar tissue when threaded through the skin. Secondly, they safely break down in the body over time. 

Aesthetic experts took a note from the surgeons’ book, realizing that these threads could play a role in lifting and tightening skin. There is a significant difference between the PDO threads used during surgery and those for PDO thread lifts, though: anchors. 

Estea Medspa uses Silhouette InstaLift® PDO threads. These suspension sutures have small bi-directional cones along them. When your Estea Medspa provider places the Silhouette InstaLift thread under the surface of your skin, those cones anchor it in place. 

What is a PDO thread lift?

Your Estea Medspa provider uses a PDO thread lift with Silhouette InstaLift to reverse the signs of aging, tightening your skin, and restoring volume where you need it most. They can apply the PDO threads anywhere you need them. The Silhouette InstaLift threads address signs of aging like:

  • Smooth fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce sagging jowls and restore your face shape
  • Tighten neck skin
  • Lift eyebrows
  • Fill sunken cheeks

The insertion of the thread delivers an immediate lifting effect, but the benefits of this treatment don’t stop there. Your thread lift also stimulates the production of collagen, the protein that serves as your skin’s support structure. Over the coming months, your skin absorbs the PDO thread — but a new network of collagen replaces it, keeping the skin tight and firm. 

What is it like to get a PDO thread lift?

If you’ve ever considered a facelift, talk to your Estea Medspa about this non-surgical alternative. With a PDO thread lift with Silhouette InstaLift, they can rejuvenate your appearance without the invasive procedure and lengthy downtime that come with traditional facelifts. 

The Estea Medspa team designs the PDO thread lift treatment with your comfort in mind. It starts with a conversation, during which you explain your aesthetic goals. Then, your Estea Medspa provider recommends a specific number of PDO threads and shows you how they will place them. 

Once you’re ready to start treatment, they apply local anesthetic, so you don’t experience any discomfort. Then, they use a specialized cannula to place the Silhouette InstaLift threads. You leave your appointment with lifted, tightened skin.

If you think a PDO thread lift might be right for you, call Estea Medspa or schedule a consultation online today.